

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Digital Twin

Models and Meshes

Fluid Dynamics

Structural Mechanics

Particle Systems

Reactive Systems

Artificial Intelligence (AI)


We work on the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) with the in-house developed software tool Reason or the optiflow neural network (ONN) tool which we use for data evaluation and modeling. Based on a textfile in .net format the data can be prepared for the neural network tool.

The software tool Reason and the optiflow neural network tool are written in C++ under Qt. The name Reason was motivated by the novel "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" written by Douglas Adams in 1987. Currently we are working on porting the software tool to the Qt-Creator.

The simple starting test cases for AI, e.g. a frogs behavior can be teached for further reactions.

We are preparing our research project FluKIT about artificial intelligence predicition of river flow velocities to learn how to optimize maritime measurement methods. Inside the installation folder of the optiflow neural network (ONN) a first example for the riverbed can be found (river_example.net).

Research ship LUNA on the Saar river (Germany) and Cartesian measurement plan and data acquisition with ship position (X,Y) on the river. Example for measurement of data for the riverbed depth and data predication with ONN.