

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Digital Twin

Models and Meshes

Fluid Dynamics

Structural Mechanics

Particle Systems

Reactive Systems

Research & Development


We accompany industrial orders via Fitt GmbH (https://fitt.de/). You can always ask there if you are interested in industrial services in the field of simulation. Here you can find a reference project which we have carried out in the field of heat exchanger design for large scale wind turbines: https://fitt.de/projekte/referenzprojekte/wipakue

We are also member of the competence center KoS for "Fluid energy machines, Simulation and Measurements" founded by the University of Applied Sciences Saarbücken (htw saar) in 2021. Please find more informations about KoS at https://www.kos.htwsaar.de


Some of our research and industry projects can be found here: